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da young kim
School Project 02
Costume design _ Graffiti
의상디자인 _ 그래피티
I was inspired by sub-cultural graffiti. I expressed the flow of semi Avant-Garde to Avant-Garde with the shapes of the graffiti art.
하위문화(sub-culture)의 그래피티에서 영감을 받았다. 그래피티 형태 그대로의 모습을 사용하였고 세미아방가르드에서 아방가르드로의 흐름을 표현하였다.
I was inspired by sub-cultural graffiti. I expressed the flow of semi Avant-Garde to Avant-Garde with the shapes of the graffiti art. | Theme _ subculture/ inspired by graffiti. Avant garde style. | Theme _ subculture/ inspired by graffiti. Avant garde style. |
Theme _ subculture/ inspired by graffiti. Avant garde style. |
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